Lydia T. Liu


I am assistant professor of Computer Science at Princeton University. My current research examines the theoretical foundations of machine learning and algorithmic decision-making, with a focus on societal impact and welfare.

I obtained my Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences from University of California, Berkeley, in May 2022, advised by Moritz Hardt and Michael I. Jordan. In 2022-2023, I was a postdoctoral associate at Cornell University Computer Science, working with Jon Kleinberg, Karen Levy, and Solon Barocas in the Artificial Intelligence, Policy, and Practice (AIPP) initiative. I received a Microsoft Ada Lovelace Fellowship, an Open Philanthropy AI Fellowship, an NUS Development Grant, and an ICML Best Paper Award.

Previously, I completed my B.S.E. in Operations Research and Financial Engineering at Princeton University. I have also spent two wonderful summers at Microsoft Research, most recently at MSR New England in 2019.

Selected Publications

Upcoming events

I am teaching a new graduate seminar on Responsible AI in Spring 2024!

My work as a poet.

Email: lydiatliu_at_berkeley_dot_edu